Case Packing Systems

ILS14-C / ILD14-C (single inlet)

ILS14-C / ILD14-C (single inlet)

Cartoning machine with double inlet for packing bundles of short pasta in pillow bags, double square-bottom bags, or cases.

Arrangement of the bundles in double progressive layers on two moving tray tables with bundle feeding cart from the double inlets and central pneumatic system for inserting the entire bundle into the box.

Carton boxes are closed with adhesive tape and/or hot-melt glue. Self-adjustment by means of a touch screen operator interface, teleservice modem for remote assistance.

Production: 10 cartons / '
Speed: 120 + 120 bags / '
Carton dimensions: 200x200x120 (h) mm
400x280x300 (h) mm

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